12,590+ PLR Products
Which You Can Resell And Keep 100% Of The Profits!

20 min readMar 4, 2023


We’ll be examining one of the most popular websites for PLR content in this study. We are examining a specific tool by the name of IDPLR. Its tagline is: “Their motto is: “12,590+ PLR Products Which You Can Resell And Keep 100% Of The Profits. Since 2008, the largest PLR membership ever!”

All kinds of content that you can claim as your own and even sell on are available owing to private label rights. Let’s first examine what PLR is in detail.

What are PLRs, or what does PLR mean?
Private Label Rights (PLR) content is generated by a third party and distributed under a PLR license. The content can then be purchased by anyone, who would typically sell it as their own creation.

The buyer can also edit the work to fit their own needs as well.

Content and products are available in the following forms:

  • eBooks
  • Videos
  • Blog posts
  • Articles
  • Software
  • Graphics
  • Audio

This is a fantastic way to create content for your website. Just look for appropriate information, modify it to meet your needs, then submit it to your page as original content. Excellent for maintaining new information on your page and saving time that would have been needed to create it.

Or you might purchase the eBook’s rights, tweak it, design its cover, and market it as your own creation.

Description of IDPLR.

You may access and use a large collection of PLR content on the PLR Membership site IDPLR.
It was founded in 2008 and currently has more than 100,000 members. You can immediately access more than 12,000 PLR products as a member and resell them.

Also, depending on the sort of membership you choose, you can get perks like:

  • Web Hosting: 10gb Free Web hosting package
  • WP Sales Copy: This is a WordPress add-on that lets you create stunning sales and landing pages with just a few clicks
  • Access to 200,000 plus PLR Articles: With a premium membership you get access to the ContentX.press library which contains a constantly updated database of content.
  • PLR Training: You get access to a training course that takes you through the process of making money with PLR products.
  • Cover Creator: Create covers for your product.

In short, IDPLR can be exactly what you’re searching for if you’re looking for content to use or sell and all the resources to help you do it.

How is IDPLR Operated?

It is easy. Visit the IDPLR website, register, and then begin downloading your products. The products are each given a brief description on the selection page of the website, which is beautifully designed and simple to use. Also, you receive a more thorough explanation when you choose a product.

You are also presented with a list that tells you exactly what you can and can’t do with that product. These product terms include:

  • Can Be Sold: These products can be freely sold, and you keep 100% of the profit.
  • Can Modify the Product: This let’s you know if you change any part of the product and also the packaging or cover, author name etc.
  • Can be packaged with other products: This indicates whether you can sell the product as part of a bundle.
  • Personal Use: Allows for personal use, including creating a project based on the information included in the product.
  • Modify the Graphics and Cover: Allows for changes to be made to the packaging graphics.
  • Change or Modify the Sales Letter: Some products include sales letters; this option means you can change them or add your own.
  • Place your own Name on the Sales Letter: Allows you to change the name on the sales letter to your own.
  • Can Sell Hard Copies: Indicates that you can sell printed copies of an eBook or other suitable material.
  • Can be Added to free membership Sites: This permission lets you use the product on your free membership site.

There are many more of these terms, but I think you get the idea. These terms dictate what the product can be used for.
Once you’ve found the product or goods you wish to use, all that’s left to do is download them and put them to use for yourself. Typically, the content downloads in a zip file. When it comes to eBooks, after you unzip it, the cover will be there in a jpg format, and you might even get a Photoshop copy. Often, the content is available in PDF and doc or docx formats.

Of course, if you have the IDPLR Gold Membership then you can also create a webpage using your free hosting.

Aspects of IDPLR
We’ll talk out the IDPLR platform’s features in this part. The website is actually quite simple to use once you have created an account. You merely search for the things you want.

You can explore products by type, and you can focus your search by using categories and subcategories. There is really no easier way to put it.

Afterward, we will discuss each of the different product categories in more detail:


With a Gold Membership you have instant access to over 200,000 articles. The Gold membership includes access to the IDPLR sister site ContentX.press. You can freely use these articles for whatever purpose you choose, some common uses are:

  • Package them and resell them
  • Post on Social Media
  • Newsletter content
  • Blog post
  • Create online course material
  • Offer them as free gifts to attract subscribers
  • Use them in membership sites
  • Sell them on as content for other webpages

Now I can’t lie and say that every article is a work of literary genius. That isn’t the case. However, there are a huge amount of very high-quality articles on the site and even some of the poorer ones just need a quick edit and polish.

It is always a good idea to edit these anyway as because this is free content and ContentX.press is a popular site, there is every chance that these articles have been used before, possibly even many times. By rewriting the content or at least heavily editing it, you are stamping your own mark on it and avoiding plagiarism which can cause SEO problems.


IDPLR has a library of over 6,300 eBooks that you sell or edit and claim as your own work. Also new books are constantly added, so the list is constantly refreshing and many of the books have current subject matter.

Of course, this does mean that a percentage of the books are outdated, this is particularly relevant in the technology subjects. However, there are still many great

books available in a whole host of topics and remember, if it is a bit outdated, you can always edit it and bring it bang up to date.

The eBooks are listed in categories and subcategories, so you can quickly narrow the search down. Some of the more popular categories include:

  • Tutorials and Training
  • Computers and Technology
  • WordPress
  • Social Media
  • Web and Web Page Development
  • Health
  • Graphic Design
  • Software
  • Beauty and Fashion
  • Pets and Animals
  • Renewable Energy

These are just a few of the main categories that are available to select from. Once you choose your category you can narrow your search further, for instance if we select Tutorials and Training the subcategories include:

  1. Tutorials
  2. Tips and Tricks
  3. Manuals

It is therefore extremely easy to narrow down your search to specific subjects.

Most of the books come with their own covers which you can edit as required, of course you can also design your own.

The books come in Word format and PDF. Another neat feature is that many of the books come with a squeeze page and sales emails. These can be edited to suit your purposes and used in your sales campaign.

Most of the eBooks are of decent length, having at least 30 pages, and while overall they are well-written and informative, there are some poorer quality books as well. Mostly these aren’t so bad that a quick edit would bring them up to scratch, but just occasionally there is one that, to be frank, aren’t really any good.

I should point out that these are the exceptions, mostly the books are of excellent quality.


The Video section has the same category search system as the eBooks. However, it seems that a high percentage of the videos are centered around the Digital Marketing category. There are videos in other categories, but unless you are looking for Digital Marketing material then you will find the lack of choice slightly disappointing.

If Digital marketing is your thing though, then you have a veritable gold mine of material to choose from, in just about every niche of digital marketing.

The Videos are usually simple but effective and frequently a download may have 10 or more videos. Great if you’re putting together a course for resale.

Especially since they very often have accompanying graphics and sales material included.

Another great section, but quite specific in most of its material. A bit more diversity would be helpful. However, these things are market driven, so presumably the reason for this disparity is because that is what the demand is.

Music and Audio

This isn’t a large section, but there are still over 260 audio downloads available. Common categories in the Audio section are:

  1. Tutorials
  2. Motivation
  3. Hypnotherapy and Depression Hypnotherapy
  4. Music
  5. Background tracks

Whilst this isn’t a core feature of the IDPLR platform, there is still enough material here that can be used and sold in many ways.

For instance:

  • As Background on your video
  • Offered as membership perks
  • Used in course material.
  • Podcasts

As with other types of material, the audio files also usually come with their own bag of goodies including covers, sales emails and squeeze pages and text transcripts.


With over 1200 templates to choose from this is a fantastic feature. In the templates section you can download WordPress themes, Landing Pages, Sales Letters, HTML and CSS templates, Mini-sites and squeeze pages, to name but a few.

Some of these are very specific too. For instance, if you want to set up an Amazon affiliate site that sells pet products, there is a template designed just for that. Common niche templates include:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Health and Beauty
  • Travel
  • Blogging
  • Yoga and meditation
  • And much more…

And there are plenty of templates that are really just themes and can be altered to suit your own purposes. Templates are fantastic for getting moneymaking web pages up and running quickly.

Some of the templates are complete websites, including all the contents and even affiliate ads. A word to the wise though, if you download a complete web page, then you will need to alter the content otherwise your SEO will suffer. You should aim to make the content as unique as possible.

Mostly the templates will come as PHP files which are easily integrated into WordPress, there are a host of online tutorials if you’re not sure how to do this. However, most of the templates come with a complete guide about how to set install of them. Many even have video tutorials showing you the process.


IDPLR is great for graphics as well. There are already huge resources for free graphics available online, so this feature may seem to be a bit of a waste of time, after all there are whole websites dedicated to giving away free images. But this isn’t the case, the graphics that are available on IDPLR are geared towards marketing other PLR products.

On the IDPLR platform there are over 600 Graphics packs available for download. Some of the packages include hundreds of files including:

  • Headers
  • Buttons
  • Icons
  • Badges
  • Logos
  • And a whole lot more.

These can be used for your own website or to sell on to others.

There are also a huge range of items like book covers, presentation templates, Software, and video covers. This is a great resource for creating your own cover for an eBook you’ve downloaded for selling, or a video or anything else you intend to sell.

Most of these come in jpeg format, and many of them also have a Photoshop version for easy editing. Also included in a lot of cases are sales letters and squeeze pages, in some cases they have a complete sales web page to accompany them.

Other Features of IDPLR

As you can see there is a massive amount of high-quality material available for download from the IDPLR website. There is even a limited amount available for those who take out a free membership.

To get the most of the platform though, a Gold Membership is essential. Not only do you get access to every single file on the platform but there are a host of other benefits too.

Members ‘PLR Content Creation’ and ‘Product Request’

Need something created that you can’t find on the site? Just request it and it will be placed in the product creation schedule queue. Once it has been completed it is there for you to download. At no extra cost.

Or perhaps you have seen a product available elsewhere that isn’t on the IDPLR site. Just request it and if the license and price is suitable, IDPLR will purchase the product and make it available.

PLR Training

IDPLR offers comprehensive training materials to help you make the most from your PLR products and start earning money almost immediately.

Training covers topics like:

  1. How to make money with PLR products
  2. How to create a website
  3. How to edit a PLR squeeze or sales page
  4. How to create a unique PLR product
  5. And more besides.

These step-by-step tutorials can show you how to take a basic product and start selling it. Even if you have no prior knowledge of Digital Marketing or web design.

WordPress Sales Page Creator

This is an amazing WordPress plugin that lets you produce fantastic looking sales pages from scratch. If you want to create a stunning looking squeeze page or landing page then this can do it for you, all done through an easy-to-use point and click interface.

10GB Web Hosting Package for Lifetime

This is a great bonus feature. Let’s think about this, once you have paid your membership fee, you have at your fingertips, not only all the content and templates you’d ever need to create a business on the web, but the hosting to go with it too. All for one one-off payment.

IDPLR use BitReveal as their partner for the hosting feature, and it is a fully featured hosting package with everything you need to get started including:

  • cPanel
  • WordPress
  • Unlimited Domains

It is also compatible with all the main Internet Marketing Tools including, CMS, Membership software, Shopping carts and forums.

InDigital 3D Cover Creator Software

Whilst most of the PLR content that you download will come with a cover included, it is good practice to design your own cover to give you product uniqueness. IDPLR have you covered here too.

They have a builtin app that is geared specifically towards making great eye-catching covers that will help sell your product.

Features of the software include:

  • 6 Templates — Designed specifically to maximize sales these templates are a great starting point for any design.
  • Live Preview — Keep an eye on how your design is looking with this feature.
  • Rotatable Models — create and view stunning designs that you can rotate 360degrees.
  • High Resolution Graphics — If you want to print covers etc. for selling physical copies then this has you covered. The designs look great when printed too!

Free Version

Although it is quite limited in scope, if you are just looking for maybe one or two products, or even just want to see what it is all about, then it might be worth looking at the free product.

With this version you still have access to over 200 products.

IDPLR Pros (What I Like)

Now that we know the main features and bonuses that an IDPLR Membership gives you, let’s have a look at some of the good and bad points about the platform.

Huge range of Products

This is the obvious place to start, IDPLR has over 12,000 products to choose from. This is enough to keep any site constantly updated with new sales options, blogs, course material and just about anything else that a successful Digital Marketing and sales site would require.

No Subscription Fee

That’s right, there is a free 3month version and a 1year version or a lifetime version. You will never have to pay a recurring subscription if you take the lifetime membership option.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

IDPLR are so confident that you will love their platform that they offer a no quibbles money back guarantee. Simply contact them within 60 days of your registration and they will refund your money with no questions. You can even keep the products you’ve downloaded.

One payment gives you all the content and the hosting package you need to run an online business

A lifetime membership means you have all the products you want to sell at your fingertips and the tools you need to get them out there!


Not only do you have all the tools and products available, IDPLR will also teach you how to get it selling.

Product Packaging and Sales Material Included

Just about everything you download will have all the covers you need to get started and many come with squeeze pages and sales letters.

Request Product Creation

If you can’t find a product to fit your niche, just put in a request and IDPLR will place your product request in a queue to be created. You can also request they add items that you have found elsewhere to the IDPLR Database.

IDPLR Cons (What I don’t Like)

Nothing is perfect, and although overall I found the whole IDPLR experience to be fantastic, there were some niggles.

Not all Material is to a high standard

There are some products that aren’t all that clever. In some cases, it may just be because they are a bit dated (particularly in the technology field) but there are some that are just badly written. However, because you can download limitless items it is just a case of going and better product.

The Support is Good, But not Great

It is a simple platform, so the need to use support is pretty minimal anyway. But when you do need to contact support the replies aren’t always quick. In saying that, there are a lot of resources and a knowledge base where answers to common questions can usually be found.

Limited Videos in many Categories

A large percentage of the videos are geared towards digital marketing.

IDPLR Integrations

Whilst it is pretty much a standalone product, i.e., the products are aimed at providing content and sale-able materials for other platforms. It does have some areas where it can provide some form of integration functionality.

In WordPress for instance, the sales page creator plugin integrates nicely into the WordPress platform to allow you to quickly create sales pages.

And the free web hosting package offers integrations with all the Digital Marketing Plugins that you will need to get a web shop, membership site, online course or blog up and running.

Who is IDPLR for?

These days on the Internet content is King. Content can drive traffic to your web page, and once you have that traffic you need something to sell them. What this means is that basically anyone who is trying to create a web business or even just a web presence would benefit from an IDPLR Membership.

What this means is that anyone who needs a steady source of content for their page or products to sell would do well to consider this as an option. For example, if you have or are setting up pages like:

  • Blog
  • Product Sales
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Membership Sites
  • Online Courses
  • Webinars

Then you are likely to need a steady flow of material. If however you are just looking for a product or two for a short term project, then this may not suit your needs.

Is IDPLR any good?

I have to say that yes, it is very good. For the most part the content is strong and engaging. The platform is simple to use and the choice is staggering. If you are still not sure then remember that 60day money back guarantee if you want to check for yourself.

Is IDPLR easy to use?

It really couldn’t be any simpler. If you’ve shopped online and downloaded files from the internet, then you can work this!

The files themselves are in common formats and come with everything you need to sell them as a finished article, even sales Landing pages are included in many cases.

And of course, there is a complete training service to help you instantly begin to maximize your sales and profits.

Does IDPLR come with Extra Bonuses?

Yep, it sure does. With Gold Membership you get 10gb free lifetime web hosting, training material, a useful WordPress plugin and a design tool for creating covers for your material.

How Much does IDPLR Cost?

There is a free membership, a 3 month membership, a 1 year membership and a lifetime membership. For what you get the prices are exceptional value, at the time of writing the packages were available for

  1. Free
  2. 3 Months $39
  3. 1 Year $69
  4. Lifetime $97

Free vs 3 Months vs 1 Year vs Lifetime

The first thing to point out is that the free version is too limited if you are looking to use and sell a lot of content. You are limited to 200 or so products and this omits most of the better choices.

For the other packages they all offer identical features, the only difference is the obvious one, that is the time period you are able to access and download the material.

If I was to pick a choice it would be the lifetime, for a one off payment that isn’t a huge amount more than the other packages you never have to worry about paying for it again, ever!

Benefits of IDPLR Pro Upgrade

Upgrading from the free package is really the only option you have if you want to get the best out of this platform. By all means join the free membership if you want to have a look for yourself, but if you do decide that this would be something you would use, then the upgrade is essential.

And remember, you get free web hosting too, so straight away you can actually be saving money.

How to Make Money with IDPLR

There are so many ways to make money using the products available on this site that you are limited only by your imagination. Examples of moneymaking methods that you can use to make money using IDPLR include:

  • Blogging If you have a blog then you know how important regular content is and how difficult it can be to keep churning it out. The more content you produce the more traffic you generate, and more traffic means more profit.
  • Selling Online Courses — Use media from across the categories to produce your own courses, then use the hosting package and training to get selling.
  • Membership sites — Offer products as an enticement to get people to sign up for your membership site.
  • Selling eBooks — Download an eBook, tweak it and get selling. You can even just put it straight on Amazon if you don’t have your own page yet.
  • Sell the content on to third Parties to use: Simply download whatever you want and sell it to others.

IDPLR Reviews

On the whole the reviews are favorable with most of the negative comments about the quality of some of the content. Which we covered in the Cons section. However, as we also noted, just go and find a better copy, it isn’t really a problem.

The other major gripe was the responsiveness of their Support, but once again, it is such a simple platform that there is rarely any need to actually contact support.

IDPLR Testimonials

The testimonial page on the IDPLR website is crammed full of glowing testimonials. Just about all of them are 5 star and all sing the praises of the platform. I usually take testimonial pages with a pinch of salt; However, my own experience echoes the bulk of the positive comments.

Is IDPLR right for you? Is it worth it?

If you have a need for a lot of content and products all for a one-off payment, then this is going to be right for you. Not only that but the pricing structure is really good value. Particularly the lifetime membership.

There really isn’t anyone who runs any sort of Digital Marketing business that wouldn’t benefit a little and in most cases a lot, from an IDPLR Membership.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about IDPLR Answered

Does IDPLR have Free Products?

Yes, with a paid membership every product is free to download and use within the constraints of the terms for that product. With a free membership there are still free products though the choice is limited.

Will I get resell rights with IDPLR?

Yes, most of the products have resell rights.

Are there any Private Label Rights Products?

There are thousands of Private Label Rights Products.

Are there any giveaway rights?

Yes, many products are available to be given away.

Can I have access to Personal Rights?

Yes, in most instances there is access to personal rights.

Does an IDPLR subscription come with a Website and Hosting?

All the paid services come with free web hosting and within that there is the scope to develop your own webpage for free. There are even all the templates you need to create fully functional web pages available on the IDPLR platform.

Can I submit my own content to IDPLR?

Yes, there is a form on the web page that lets you submit your material, depending on the quality of your product and whether you also supply sales material your product will be available on either the free or paid sites.

Is IDPLR FTC Compliant?

Yes, they are fully FTC compliant and have full details of this available on the web page.

Is IDPLR DMCA Compliant?

Yes, it is DMCA compliant and has a section on their web page covering this.

Is the user Interface (UI) UserFriendly and Easy-to-use?

It really couldn’t be simpler, if you’ve shopped online you can use this.

How is IDPLR support?

The training material and Knowledge Base is an excellent support resource, however the support ticket system isn’t the fastest.

Who is behind IDPLR?

IDPLR were created in 2008 by a dedicated team who saw a growing market for content creation and decided to dedicate themselves to it.

Does IDPLR Work?

Yes, absolutely. It has got 100,000+ subscribers simply because it works.

Is IDPLR offered in other languages?

Most of the content on the site is offered primarily in English, however it can be translated into whatever language you choose once you have downloaded it.

Can I make money with IDPLR?

Yes, the whole point of IDPLR is to provide you with products you can sell or cash in on in whichever way you choose.

Is IDPLR Free?

There is a limited free version.

Is IDPLR any good?

It is one of the market leaders in its field.

Is IDPLR Legit?

Everything about the platform is legit.

Is IDPLR Safe?

The team behind IDPLR take safety very seriously, yes it is safe.

Not only that, but payments made on the platform are processed via ClickBank, which is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, affiliates platform on the market.

Where can I get IDPLR at a discount?

There may be discounts here and there, depending on the season and the marketing strategies of IDPLR. You can look around, and you may find some discounts.

Does IDPLR have an Affiliates Program?

Yes, it has a generous affiliates program that even pays for signing free members.

Is IDPLR a Pyramid Scheme?

No, it is not a pyramid scheme. It is a genuine product that has no ties with pyramid schemes.

IDPLR Facebook

IDPLR Facebook account is here.

Are there any IDPLR alternatives?

There are many PLR websites on the market. Not all have the level of quality that IDPLR has. You can Google “PLR” and see the results for yourself.

Does IDPLR work with WordPress?

Yes it does. They have templates and plenty of other stuff that works with WordPress.

Is IDPLR content SEO Friendly?

The elements of IDPLR are indeed SEO-Friendly, but like most PLR products, you will either use ads to drive traffic to the products or have a long-term strategy to bring in organic traffic.

Does IDPLR work on a Mac?

IDPLR is an online service, so yes, it works on Mac. If you are looking for PLR software, they do have some that work exclusively on Mac while some work only on PCs.

Does IDPLR work on a PC?

IDPLR is an online service, so yes, it works on PCs. If you are looking for PLR software, they do have some that work exclusively on Mac while some work only on PCs.

Register for free here now




Written by Daniel

I'm just a guy that enjoys sharing useful information.

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